ACC Host

z/OS Console and Process Automation

A Powerful z/OS Automation Technology

Efficiently and accurately automate all mainframe console traffic and z/OS system processes with ACC – Automated Command Center.

ACC outperforms typical host console automation solutions, providing unique Automation Specific Intelligence™ which utilizes powerful ACC Directors and Probes to automate all console, system, and application processes to their optimum and desired state.

ACC ASI processing is designed to deliver maximum automation with minimum input, enabling operations personnel to implement ACC through easy-to-use automation menus, which allow complex procedures to be implemented with little, if any, programming. A single keystroke invokes defined automation and does not require knowledge of REXX or TSO CLISTs.

Four distinct components together provide comprehensive automation:

  • Complete Event Automation for all Host console traffic
  • User-friendly menu interface for easy implementation and use
  • Counterpart Communication for cross-system Automation
  • Unique Automation Specific Intelligence to automate any operational procedure

ACC provides complete Event Automation facilities for Messages, Commands, Timed and User Events

ACC Event Automation provides the data center complete facilities to efficiently and accurately automate all console traffic and activity, thus freeing operations personnel for other priority functions. Through user friendly ISPF menus, control parameters for ALL systems are defined in a single common Event Automation Table.

This allows logical arrangement and avoids the confusion and maintenance associated with numerous complex interrelated PDS members. A sample Event Automation Table containing hundreds of pre-coded event automation situations is provided to allow implementation with little, if any, programming and NO knowledge of REXX or CLISTs.

The ACC Event Automation facility uses a combination of Events and Actions to manage all console activity. Events drive actions which are conditionally executed based on ACC Event Automation variables.

The following lists just a few of the many supported Event Automation Actions:

  • Highlight/Low light/Freeze Messages
  • Create/Delete/Suppress/Issue Messages
  • Allow or reject issued commands
  • Reply to WTORs
  • Delete or replace message text
  • Issue Commands, CLISTs, REXX Execs or ASI Directors
  • Delayed action based on job completion
  • Create a NETVIEW event or issue a VM command
  • Route messages or commands to other Systems
  • Issue replies by JOBNAME without reply

Over 90 different Event Automation Variables are available, some of which are listed below:

  • Message or Command ID
  • Word of Text
  • Issuing PROCSTEP
  • Julian Date
  • Time of Day
  • Reply Number
  • User Events
  • JOB, STC Status
  • Substring of Text
  • ASID Type
  • Routing Codes
  • CPU Serial Number
  • Descriptor Codes
  • Day of Week
  • Issuing Job or Step Name

Through ASI Processing, ACC manages the software that manages the Data Center

ACC Automation Specific Intelligence allows the user to describe what the system must do in standard operational terms, without the requirement to tell ASI how to do those functions.

ASI Processing™ allows proactive automation of any operational function that can be written down – without message dependency. ASI Processing provides an intelligent approach to automating system processes, automatically controlling the operating system, on-line systems, time sharing systems and/or batch applications including Start Up, Damage Assessment, Restart, and Shutdown.

ASI Processing eliminates manual runbooks forever and invokes automation procedures based on:

  • User Events
  • Ad Hoc Events
  • Timed Interval
  • Job State
  • System State
  • Generated Events
  • Optional Message Interception
  • Optional Command Interception

How does ASI Processing work?

ASI Processing is comprised of system PROBES and automation DIRECTORS. ASI PROBES interrogate the system status to provide crucial information, triggering powerful ASI automation DIRECTORS to take the appropriate actions.

ASI PROBES interrogate the operating environment and test the system state including:

  • Device status: Is SYS001 online?
  • Job status: Is Job in step 7A?
  • Dataset existence: Does A.B.CYZ exist?
  • Started Task status: Is NET up?
  • Time Sharing User status: Is user XYZ logged on?

ASI PROBES determine and control the state of the system without the requirement of message triggering. Should the user desire, message triggering is supported.

ASI DIRECTORS are open ended automation processes that understand and perform the internal functions required to automate systems and applications. ASI DIRECTORS operate independently, responding to system changes, restoring the desired system state, and automating unique functions. ACC provides over 100 sample ASI DIRECTORS for convenience. Simply rearrange or insert the installation unique system, subsystem and task names to completely automate most operational functions. ACC does not require REXX or TSO CLISTs for automation and NO message dependency programming is required!

Counterpart Communications allows a single console to control the functions of multiple processors

Utilizing ACC Counterpart Communications, decisions made on one system can be based on the events occurring on other systems. ACC Counterpart Communications will:

  • Monitor multiple systems from a single console
  • Operate effectively without additional or dedicated hardware
  • Communicate via VTAM paths OR shared DASD
  • Use BOTH VTAM and shared DASD

ACC Counterpart Communications allows messages, commands and user generated events to be routed for execution on any system. Events may be identified as “Routed” and special processing invoked, or they can be processed as normal events. An additional routing func ion allows the status of each system to be available to all other systems.

Evaluate ACC Host in Your Shop – See for yourself how ACC will increase productivity in your z/OS environment.