JES Spool Viewing and Management
Manage and Control the JES Spool with OMC-FLASH
OMC-FLASH is the premier high-performance JES Spool Management solution to view, manage, and control both JES2 and JES3 Spool environments – including jobs, output, devices, resources, workflow, and operations – All with one powerful JES-neutral solution.
OMC-FLASH utilizes a high performance JES2 and JES3 data collection strategy to retrieve and display requested JES spooled output efficiently, without copying, respooling, or additional DASD. In addition, OMC-FLASH is specifically designed to optimize interaction with JES2 and JES3 to provide the most efficient, effective JES spool management solution available.
The new OMC-FLASH 5.0.0 with additional Panels and further Functions
JES Spool Viewing and Control
OMC-FLASH provides an intuitive ISPF interface to control JES job processing, personalize job and output displays, and rapidly locate and access JES spooled output so you can work more efficiently. Users can easily browse up to the second job status and information, and instantaneously retrieve spooled output before, during and after job execution.

OMC-FLASH enables users to customize job selection preferences and save the preferred selection profile for future sessions. Users can also specify exact job and output viewing criteria, to present job information and output in their preferred format, with options to further process the output selected.
The OMC-FLASH BATCH Utility efficiently executes OMC-FLASH functions in BATCH mode, including Batch COPY capabilities to copy data from large jobs to a specified output file without the TSO session delays often experienced when performing large copy operations.
OMC-FLASH Jobname Selection Panel

OMC-FLASH selection criteria includes 12 JOBNAME Masks, 8 Owner IDs, 8 System IDs, and 8 Filter Names that can be immediately specified to focus the display on the desired information. Further, when selecting by output criteria, 8 OUTPUT classes, 8 Forms, 8 Destinations, 8 Writer names, 8 FCB names and 8 UCS names can be specified to display the desired information.
OMC-FLASH Delivers Powerful JES Management Facilities:
- EExpanded OPERLOG Viewing for operator commands, operator responses, and console information across multiple z/OS systems in a SYSPLEX environment.
- Customize Job Selection from JES by destination, owner, system, writer and/or job class, or any field criteria.
- View and process Jobs, Tasks, and Spooled Output, including batch jobs, started tasks, TSO users, APPC jobs, active tasks, held and non-held output.
- Personalize displays through the CONFIG facility to present Jobs and output with the exact fields, titles, column sizes, and position desired, as well as freeze columns, and specify colors.
- Display an extensive list of JES and Job related fields that include Spool Utilization, as well as Service Class, SRB usage, TCB Usage, total STEP count, and more.
- Set highlighting colors and modes, both generally or based on field values, and apply to specific fields or entire lines to rapidly recognize and locate significant information.
- Fully control Job output, including browse, cut & paste, sort, find, print, copy to disk dataset, hold, requeue, delete, and more.
- Define and save up to 10 Copy profiles, with unique COPY processing parameters for different types of output, and recall those profiles on demand to expedite output processing.
- Control Print and Print Devices, including requeue, forward space and backward space of print jobs.
Personalize Your OMC-FLASH Displays Using the Powerful CONFIG Facility
The OMC-FLASH SELECTION CRITERIA PANEL allows users to customize the job selection by any combination of job name, job mask, job owner or user id and save it for future use.

OMC-FLASH Job Selection and Dataset Index Panels can be fully customized through the CONFIG facility, enabling users to customize the exact fields, titles, columns, and information presented. Multiple CONFIG profiles can be created and saved by each user or by a system-wide administrator to be recalled and applied as desired.
OMC-FLASH Operations and Resource Management
OMC-FLASH delivers extensive control of JES2 operations and spool resources, including capabilities to manage initiators, printers, and workflows throughout the JES complex.
Facilities include:
- Active and Historical SYSLOG Display with Global and Local display options.
- Spool Volume Display to view and control utilization of JES spool volumes.
- Display Console Facility to securely view and utilize the system operator’s console from authorized users’ workstations.
- Dynamic CPU Utilization Display provides a graphical, dynamically updated view of current CPU resource utilization, jobs and processes.
- EVENTLOG Display to view SMF 30 data for a job.
- USS Status Display to view USS processes, scroll left/right, issue USS line commands and view results.
- WLM Scheduling environment & resource display to view and control scheduling environments, along with jobs executing.
- SYSPLEX Coupling Facility support using XCF for data communications between global and local OMC-FLASH servers.
- JES Initiator Display to view and change Initiator status.
- IBM Health Checker for z/OS support to view Health Checker output and information, and make temporary changes to check states and values.
- MVS and JES command support to easily issue MVS or JES system operator commands directly from the OMC-FLASH command line.
- Expanded OPERLOG viewing facility to view operator commands, responses, and console information across multiple SYSPLEX systems.
- COPY profiles and COPY Command History panel to quickly re-use previous copy requests for subsequent copy operations.
- PROCLIB display to show the current JES and MVS PROCLIB allocations.
- Operator Command History panel to display the history of operator commands executed, as well as a table of saved operator commands.
- Browse and Search Pattern History facilities to retrieve previously used search patterns and quickly re-use them.
REXX USERLOG and System Command Functions
REXX Functions to Read and Write USERLOG and Execute MVS/JES Commands. The SYSCMD service executes an MVS/JES command and saves the command response in a REXX variable. The command response can also be added to the OMC-FLASH USERLOG.
The USERLOG service is used to read and write messages to the OMC-FLASH USERLOG, as well as clear or delete all messages from the USERLOG. The USERLOG can be accessed and modified when executing in any REXX environment and when executing under OMC-FLASH foreground.
USERLOG Display after executing sample REXX:

Jobname Selection Panel (JSP) and Data Set Index Panel (DIP) Line Command Message
Displays the Last Line Command Executed in the Message Column. OMC-FLASH now saves the ‘last command’ message, displaying that command in the message column for the user’s reference.
The ‘Message’ column displays line command executed:

Powerful Batch Processing Utility
The OMC-FLASH BATCH Utility efficiently executes OMC-FLASH functions in BATCH mode. Batch COPY capabilities enable users to copy data from large jobs to their specified output file (//OUTPUT DD) without the TSO session delays often experienced when performing large copy operations. An OPERLOG and SYSLOG function are also included to copy records from the Operator Log and System Log to the specified output file in batch.
The BATCH FIND and RFIND facilities enable users to perform batch FIND operations, with RFIND options to process multiple jobs with the same name or characteristics, and SORT and TOP functions to control the order of jobs to be searched. An EXITIF parameter is also provided to terminate processing based on the value returned by any previous function.
SMP/E Compatible, Secure, and z/OS Certified
OMC-FLASH is easily installed and maintained through standard SMP/E installation and maintenance procedures.
OMC-FLASH provides complete security at both the system and user level to ensure that only authorized users can access and manage the JES environment through OMC-FLASH. A standard SAF interface externalizes security administration, allowing security to be fully defined within popular SAF-compatible security packages. In addition, all OMC-FLASH panels and commands can be secured at the user level to ensure full compliance to installation security policies.
OMC-FLASH is certified through z/OS 2.4, and is completely JES independent, requiring no modifications to either the host operating system or to ISPF.